Analyzing the previous cases, Moore-Bick L.J. said Page was of “limited help.” He also considered that the adoption of the French rule at King v Tunnock was not fair and stated that the two-year compensation rule could not be supported “as a broad directive”.26 He then argued that the factors taken into account in Tigana are relevant only in the light of the evaluation of the Agency`s activities27. An in-depth analysis of the meaning and method of calculating compensation is outside the scope of this work. However, it should be noted that even in an English lawyer, the term can cause confusion. “compensation” is simply another method of calculating the quantity that is due to the agent upon termination, taking into account his share in good 6, in accordance with Regulation 17 (2) and within the limits set by Regulation 17 (3). The following circumstances are expressly set out in the Council Directive Regulations 1993 or have been considered by the courts or are sufficiently frequent scenarios that may result in compensation/indemnification: Regulation 17 (2) also states that “the commercial agent is entitled to compensation and not to compensation, unless the agency`s contact provides otherwise”.; A common methodology used is the capitalized approach to return. This is to consider the net income of the agent that is used for a multiplier. Valid net revenues take into account historical commission revenues to assess the Agency`s likely future business performance. In setting the amount of statutory compensation to be paid to Green Deal, the Tribunal applied the existing principle that the award of the contract should be the price that a hypothetical buyer would be willing to pay for the Agency at the time of termination. .

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