Ringgit Malaysia loan contracts are generally taxed with a stamp duty of 0.5%. Stamp duty of 0.5% on the value of services/loans. However, for the following instruments, stamp duty can be paid over 0.1%: instruments exported to Malaysia and subject to customs duties must be stamped within 30 days of the execution date. If the instruments are performed outside Malaysia, they must be stamped within 30 days of their first reception in Malaysia. An unstamped or insufficiently stamped instrument is not admissible as evidence before the courts, nor is it used by a public servant. Stamp duty exemption for instruments executed by a contractor or developer, i.e. a contractor or developer who has been commissioned or authorized by the Minister of Housing and Municipal Government to carry out renovations to an abandoned project. The instruments are loan agreements approved by the approved beneficiary and transmission instruments to transfer revitalized residential real estate related to the abandoned project. This applies to instruments implemented by emergency services or promoters on January 1, 2013 or after January 1, 2013 and no later than December 31, 2020, until December 31, 2025. There are two types of stamp duty, ad valorem Duty and Fixed Duty.

For value tax, the amount payable varies depending on the nature and value of the instruments. The penalty for delayed stamps varies depending on the delay period. The maximum fine is RM100 or 20% of the duty obligation, depending on the highest amount. Tariff rates vary depending on the nature of the instruments and the values implemented. The payment of stamp duty can be made by the following method. Exemption of stamp duty on all instruments related to the acquisition of real estate by a financier for rental purposes in accordance with the principles of Syariah or an instrument by which the financier assumes the contractual obligations of a client in the context of a main sale and sale contract. In general, the transfer of real estate can give rise to a significant stamp duty: up to 300,000 (instrument of the transfer and loan contract) (Note 1) a) Unselected contract (i.e. between private companies and service providers) Examples of exceptions, remissions or exemptions from stamp duty are as follows: the tax on stamps is levied on instruments and not on transactions. If a transaction can be carried out without the creation of a transmission instrument, no tax is due.

Stamp duty assessment and payment can be made electronically through the domestic income assessment and payment stamps (STAMPS) system. In Malaysia, stamp duty is a tax levied on a large number of written instruments defined in the First Schedule of Stamp Duty Act of 1949. Stamp duty is generally levied on legal instruments, trading instruments and financial instruments. Stamp duty exemption for lending or financing agreements implemented from 27 February 2020 to 31 December 2020 for the financing mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) approved by Negara Bank Malaysia, namely the aid mechanism for aid organisations, the mechanism for all economic sectors, the mechanism for automation and digitisation of SMEs, the agro-financial mechanism and the micro-enterprise scheme. Exemption of stamp duty on transfer instrument and loan contract for the acquisition of a dwelling worth 300,001 to 2,500,000 RM by Malaysian citizens as part of the campaign for residential property 2020 /20 21: Total exemption from stamp duty for the transmission instrument in connection with the acquisition by a Malaysian citizen of the first residential property worth no more than RM 500,000 under the National Housing Department`s rent-to-own (RTO) system.