In general, honest communication about feelings, especially feelings about the fact that something is wrong, works better and better in a romantic relationship. Fortunately, despite the difficult conditions, there are many things you can do to keep your relationships alive. Whether you live together or separately, these small actions can make a significant difference. A good and healthy romantic relationship is often characterized by good communication. Healthy couples speak openly and directly with congruous non-verbal cues that allow them to convey the desired message accurately. Communication in romantic relationships connects and reassures partners and allows them to discuss and solve problems and exchange important information and perspectives (Long-Young, 2007). Challenges arise when the messages we send to each other are misunderstood or misinterpreted. No matter how you decide to shake hands, Manly said, even if it`s just a short text or a call, let someone know you`re on my radar. This can help maintain the relationship until you can visit again. However, many people never go further than denial, smoothing or wrestling. But the problem is that these are not long-term strategies to solve this problem. You are at best paper on cracks, and this is not possible in a long-term relationship (or rather, the relationship is unlikely to prove in the long run if this is your chosen approach).

If you try to maintain healthy relationships in the block, the need for communication increases. The extra burdens that come with social alienation and more time under the same roof can leave things stagnant. It`s easy to go after negatives and forget to communicate. Despite many disagreements, Allied leaders managed to reach some agreements in Potsdam. Negotiators thus confirmed the status of Germany demilitarized and disarmed among the four zones of the Allied occupation. According to the protocol of the conference, there should be « complete disarmament and demilitarization of Germany »; all aspects of German industry that could be used for military purposes should be removed; all German military and paramilitary forces should be eliminated; and the manufacture of all military equipment in Germany was prohibited. In addition, German society should be redeveloped by the repeal of all discriminatory laws of the Nazi era and by the arrest and trial of Germans considered « war criminals » on the democratic model. The German education and judicial system should be purged of all authoritarian influence and democratic political parties would be encouraged to participate in the management of Germany at the local and national levels. However, the re-establishment of a German national government was postponed indefinitely and the Allied Control Commission (composed of four occupying powers, the United States, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union) would rule the country during the interregnum.