4. Example of 5-person dialogue and disagreement agreement Another example of conversations in English under the em. In the example of the dialogue agreement and disagreements, 5 people talked about the exchange of views when they wanted to paint the walls of the classroom. Agreement agrees in this section of disclosure expressed or expressed not 100%, can be said to accept, but not have full confidence. Here is a sentence of the leniency of the agreement. 3. Contog Dialogue Agreement disputed by 4 people While in the dialogue and disagreement agreement 4 people here, we can learn the expression procedure at once if we approve and do not correspond in English. In the dialogue agreement and disagreement, 4 people are specifically a sentence that directly includes with the material in the disagreement dialogue and the agreement is bold as below. 1. Examples of Agree Disagree Dialogue conducted by 2 people In this interview, the expression and not contradict the topics are discussed on birthday gifts. Two people think it`s a good gift.

In the example of the dialogue agreement, 2 people are very good at practicing in the role, so that learning English will be easier and more practical. The underlined expression expresses…. A. Sympathy B. Possibility C. Disagreement D. Uncertainty From this dialogue, we can conclude that Ratna expresses……… A. Disagreement B. Anger C. Danger D. ILL The previous article on the list, such as discussion texts, is quite famous.

The list of discussion texts will take full advantage of this if it is reinforced by the example of the dialogue on convergence and differences of opinion. Some keywords in « consense and contradict, » which are often used, have been published in the way of expressing consent and disagreement. The expression of consensus and disagreement is closely linked to the text of the debate, as it examines a subject from different angles. This type of text is called pros and cons. These are pros and cons that will be explained in the next contribution. Accept and contradict – On this occasion, the administrator will approve and contradict the sentences, or is known in English as « Agree and Disagree « . ungkupan setujun and disagree is the expression we often encounter and hear in everyday life, whether we hear consciously or unconsciously. In the course of a conversation, it is not uncommon for us to be able to accept or not a statement from our interlocutor. Or we who ask or are questioned about the agreement.

Similarly, in English, we will often encounter conversations related to convergence and differences of opinion. A sentence expressed with strong disagreement means that it categorically rejects and rejects or rejects completely. Here is a strong disagreement: The use of these two objects (Nobiss) that you can use in everyday conversations. In general, when two or more people discuss something and decide a rule or decision together. For example, if you are in a classroom learning group, the teacher usually gives you the flexibility to appoint the tutor or chair of each group, so determine who considers himself the guardian or the president to be the right person. In such a process, convergences and differences of opinion also work.